0488 333 723PO Box 82 Herston QLD Australia 4029info@cherish.org.au

Cherish raises funds for research and awareness

Cherish Women’s Cancer Foundation is a nationally registered not-for-profit organisation based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Professor Andreas Obermair founded Cherish in January 2012. Cherish was established to generate funding for research and clinical trials that could be developed and implemented quickly to find kinder ways to treat women with gynaecological cancer.

Cherish has evolved into a community dedicated to raising funds for research and raising awareness about gynaecological cancer to save lives. Since 2012 Cherish has raised over $4,200,000 for gynaecological cancer research and inspired hundreds of people to fundraise for our cause.

Every year, we commit funding to clinical trials and vital research for the sake of the women we cherish – our grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, daughters, wives, fiancés and friends. If we didn’t, the 6,500 women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer each year in Australia are almost forgotten, as the societal focus is not on this area of women’s bodies as much as it should.

Thank you for your interest in Cherish. We hope we can count on your support.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how you can help, please contact us.

Founded by Professor Andreas Obermair

Founded by Professor Andreas Obermair in January 2012, Cherish was established to generate funding for research and clinical trials that could be developed and implemented quickly to find kinder ways to treat women with gynaecological cancer.

Corporate Governance

Cherish Women’s Cancer Foundation is dedicated to good corporate governance and is a registered not-for-profit organisation with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC).

Should you have any questions regarding Cherish’s approach to corporate governance, please contact us.

Our mission

Give every woman hope and a vibrant chance for surviving gynaecological cancer by funding research into clinically prioritised trials for treatments, diagnosis and prevention.

Contact Us

If you would like to ask a question about fundraising or give us some feedback, please contact us via the form and let’s chat.

Alternatively, please contact Amy Hyslop, Fundraising and Development Manager on 0488 333 723 or email fundraising@cherish.org.au

You can also direct message us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

If you need professional, confidential support about a gynaecological cancer diagnosis or treatment, please call Cancer Council’s free service on 13 11 20.

Cherish Women’s Cancer Foundation | Registered as Gynaecological Cancer Foundation Ltd | ABN 86 158 553 229

0488 333 723info@cherish.org.auPO Box 82 Herston QLD Australia 4029


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